Major Differences Between Laser And Electrolysis Hair Removal

Are you tired of getting rid of unwanted hair growth? Do temporary hair removal methods lead to more rigid hair follicles appearing? Well, then it’s time you consider the best alternative to address this problem. If you’re tired of wasting time getting rid of unwanted hair growth, you might want to consider a permanent hair removal procedure. For long-term hair removal solutions, the two best methods are Laser treatment and Electrolysis hair removal.

Laser and Electrolysis are both desired methods of hair removal and help achieve exemplary results. Both procedures have similar ways of removing hair but due to conflicting reviews, it can be hard for people to choose between the two. People who have unnatural growth of hair usually adopt easier methods of hair removal like shaving, tweezing, and waxing. However, these methods have lost battles for long-term results and are mostly used as temporary ways of removing hair.

Major difference between Laser and Electrolysis
Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal which is approved by the FDA. The procedure is performed by a licensed electrologist or dermatologist. Electrolysis involves inserting an ultra-thin probe into hair follicles individually.  The needle sends an electric current that passes through the follicle further damaging the future growth of hair.

However, Laser hair removal uses the process of mild radiation on hair follicles. The laser releases light which the hair pigment absorbs and damages the hair follicle causing slow growth of hair. Lasers are quick to target darker strands of hair.

Electrolysis Vs Laser: Sessions
Electrolysis versus Laser Hair Removal: Although both hair removal treatments require multiple sessions for long-term results. However laser hair removal requires four to eight sessions and the accurate number depends upon the skin type, hair color, and size. Electrolysis, since its permanent solution to hair removal, requires longer sessions and can take up to more than 20 sessions.

Electrolysis Vs Laser: Side Effects
Laser hair removal can have latent side effects over electrolysis. It can include swelling around the area, irritation, blisters, redness, and pigmentation changes. It is so because laser leads to burning changes on the skin which are temporary.

While in the case of electrolysis side effects, if not done properly it can lead to damage of the follicle which causes inflammation. This is why it is suggested to get done by a licensed professional. Ensure the needles are sterilized to avoid scarring or unwanted infection.

Final Thoughts
When talking about laser hair removal and electrolysis there can be different risks associated with both. Laser treatments usually involve diminishing the hair growth for a certain period of time while it may not lead to unwanted hair growth forever. Over laser treatment, Electrolysis is more of a cosmetic method that permanently removes the hair growth from your body.

For information on the best electrolysis hair removal treatment in NYC, click on the link.
