Terminal Hair

Regrowth Time Chart Key F = Female, M = Male
Type of Hair Regrowth Time
Hairline F/M 4-6 Weeks
Eyebrows F/M 3-6 Weeks
Upper lip (Vellus) F 7-10 Weeks
Upper lip (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Side of Face (Vellus) F 4-15 Weeks
Side of Face (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Chin (Vellus) F 6-8 Weeks
Chin (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Neck (Terminal) F 5-6 Weeks
Neck (Terminal M 3-6 Weeks
Ears (Vellus) F/M 9-12 Weeks
Ears (Terminal) F/M 6-8 Weeks
Breast F 4-8 Weeks
Chest (Terminal) F 6-9 Weeks
Chest (Terminal) M 5-8 Weeks
Back and Shoulders (Terminal) F 7-9 Weeks
Back and Shoulders (Terminal) M 5-8 Weeks
Arms (Terminal) F/M 6-9 Weeks
Legs (Terminal) F/M 5-8 Weeks
Hands (Terminal) F/M 5-7 Weeks
Underarms F/M 4-8 Weeks
Feet (Terminal) F/M 4-8 Weeks
There are all different kinds of hair. From head to toe, hair can grow, for different purposes and at various times throughout life. Electrolysis is effective for treating all types of hair – curly, straight, light, dark, fine or thick. In this article we will discuss terminal hair and why it is typically more difficult to treat.
Though they start off looking like peach fuzz, terminal hairs develop several distinct features. These hairs are long, thick and dark in color – either brown or black. Terminal hairs are also stronger than other types of hair. Men often grow more terminal hairs than women, but many women also have thick, dark hairs. Some of the most common areas terminal hair grows in are the face, head, underarms, chest, stomach, pubic area and legs. People are usually especially embarrassed by terminal hairs since they are quite dark and long.

Once hairs have reached their full terminal stage, they are considered “permanent.” The only way these types of hairs can be removed for good is by damaging the papilla. These are more difficult to treat because they are more deeply rooted in the skin, are coarse and have a dark pigment. Of the three electrolysis methods, Blend is typically suggested for terminal hair removal. This is because it utilizes both Thermolysis and Galvanic techniques simultaneously, resulting in a stronger effect on destroying the hair follicle. Blend is more time consuming since it takes more precision from the electrologist. It does not hurt more, if at all, than the other two types.
Sometimes laser hair removal is suggested first for larger areas with terminal hair. This does not remove the hair completely, but it will weaken the follicles. This helps make the process of electrolysis go more smoothly and efficiently. Over time, electrolysis treatments will cause terminal hairs to become finer, lighter in color and grow more slowly.
Regrowth Time Chart Key F = Female, M = Male
Type of Hair Regrowth Time
Hairline F/M 4-6 Weeks
Eyebrows F/M 3-6 Weeks
Upper lip (Vellus) F 7-10 Weeks
Upper lip (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Side of Face (Vellus) F 4-15 Weeks
Side of Face (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Chin (Vellus) F 6-8 Weeks
Chin (Terminal) F/M 4-6 Weeks
Neck (Terminal) F 5-6 Weeks
Neck (Terminal M 3-6 Weeks
Ears (Vellus) F/M 9-12 Weeks
Ears (Terminal) F/M 6-8 Weeks
Breast F 4-8 Weeks
Chest (Terminal) F 6-9 Weeks
Chest (Terminal) M 5-8 Weeks
Back and Shoulders (Terminal) F 7-9 Weeks
Back and Shoulders (Terminal) M 5-8 Weeks
Arms (Terminal) F/M 6-9 Weeks
Legs (Terminal) F/M 5-8 Weeks
Hands (Terminal) F/M 5-7 Weeks
Underarms F/M 4-8 Weeks
Feet (Terminal) F/M 4-8 Weeks
In contrast to terminal hair, vellus hair is fine and lightly colored. This type of hair covers the majority of the body. Throughout puberty, vellus hair is replaced with more terminal hairs. This is normal and is affected by the androgenic hormone. As we age, we typically grow more terminal hair as opposed to vellus hair.
Please note that if you (mainly females) have excess terminal hair located in non-typical areas of growth (such as face chest, inner thighs, etc.), it may be a good idea to consult a physician as this can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue.
No matter which type of hair you have or where it is located, we can successfully treat you with Electrolysis. We are reliable, safe and put our clients first. Electrolysis is the only permanent option for any form of hair or skin type. We will be able to offer a personalized schedule and treatment plan to best suit your needs.
Call us at Limoges Beauty NYC today to discuss your personal hair removal needs and set up a free consultation! Say goodbye to your unwanted hair once and for all! For more information on topics like stress related hair loss, electrolysis versus laser hair removal, permanent hair removal for blonde hair, you can visit our blog TopElectrolysisNYC.
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